15 Money Mantras To Inspire Your Financial Freedom
Have you ever stopped to consider your money mindset? Have you ever really stopped to examine your money beliefs? If not then now is the time to change that. That’s because what you think and believe about money really matters.
15 Money Mantras To Inspire Your Financial Freedom
Your money mindset is behind the decisions that you make when it comes to spending, saving and just generally managing your money. There’s a good chance that some of your beliefs are limiting and are holding you back. Fortunately, through the use of mantras and financial affirmations, you can bring about real change.
To be clear, a mantra is not the same as simply making a wish. Instead, they are a way of focusing in a way that’s similar to meditation. The power of a mantra is that it can change your beliefs and attract new things into your life. Here’s a look at 15 money mantras which, if used on a daily basis, can help you to achieve the life that you deserve.
1. Large sums of money come to me easily
This is a mantra that can really tap in and change your money beliefs. Rather than focusing on the challenges that have previously existed, this financial affirmation opens your mind to the fact that you can attract money just like the rich do.
2. I deserve the best in life
As you use this mantra to challenge, and change, your money mindset, it’s beneficial to use visualisation techniques. See yourself living the life that you want and that you know you deserve. Yes, it may feel a little awkward at first but it’s well worth persevering with.
3. Money flows to me from all directions
When it comes to bringing money into our lives, many people feel restricted and resigned to the fact that they have to wait for payday. This financial affirmation opens up your mind to the fact that money can flow to you from numerous sources and soon you’ll begin to notice new opportunities.
4. Every action I take takes me closer to financial success
With this money mindset, you’ll find that you’re more mindful of the actions that you take with your finances. The only way to change your financial situation is to change your actions and this affirmation will ensure that’s exactly what you do.
5. I’m smart with my money
Money doesn’t have to be complicated, but often people just make it that way. Financial affirmations, such as this one, can bring you the confidence that you know exactly what you should be doing to build, and protect your wealth.
6. There is an abundance of money in the world
Some money beliefs are highly limiting and they lead to people thinking that there isn’t enough money to go around. The truth is that there certainly is! By changing your money mindset you’re far more likely to attract your share.
7. I will become financially free
We all want to reach that stage where money is no longer an issue or concern. The more that we worry about this, the more that we push money away. By telling yourself that you’re on track and that you will reach your goal of financial freedom, you’ll find that things start clicking into place.
8. I’m committed to my wealth
As financial affirmations go, this one is a must if you ever feel that you’re going off track. To be successful, and to grow your wealth, you need to be 100% committed. By using this money mantra, you can refocus and strengthen your levels of commitment.
9. I am receptive to the rewards that are coming my way
Many people have their money beliefs and money mindset established in childhood. As they see money as a source of stress, worry and despair they naturally repel it: why would anyone want something so dreadful? This financial affirmation works to rework your brain so that it is open to money coming your way.
10. When I earn, part of this is mine to keep
One of the reasons that people resent, and so repel, money is that they fear that they’re unable to keep hold of it. They look at taxes, mortgage payments, rent and day-to-day living expenses. When considering all of these things, it feels like the money is gone in an instant. Change your money mindset and realise that you can always retain some of what you earn. As you repeat this to yourself, you’ll find that you actually keep hold of more and more of your wealth.
11. My money works hard to make me richer
Poor money beliefs focus on purely spending money. A rich money mindset involves understanding that just as you work for your money, you can ensure that your money reciprocates. This is all about finding places where your money can bring you high returns and add to your wealth.
12. I only spent what’s left after I’ve invested
This is similar to the point above but it drives home the message that investing matters. By investing wisely you become more wealthy whereas simply spending only serves to empty your bank account. This money mantra will help you to become disciplined with how you use your money.
13. My past does not dictate my future
Yes, we’re looking at financial affirmations, but the mantra can be applied to all parts of your life. This mantra is useful for overcoming any mindsets that may be limiting and holding you back. It gives a sense of hope for the future.
14. I was born to be financially successful
This money mindset is all about your self-worth. If you believe that you deserve money, wealth and happiness, you will go on and attract these things into your life. If you’re guilty of doubting yourself, this is the mantra for you.
15. I am capable of achieving all of my financial goals
Now, for this money mantra to work you need to ensure that you’ve got plans in the first place. Make these plans as detailed as possible but don’t just focus on the cash: spend time to consider your emotions. If you achieved all of your goals, what would that mean to you and how would you feel?