Vestpod Event: Freelancers, Side-Hustlers: Managing Money, Getting Paid (Oct 25th 2019)
We hosted a special Vestpod event on Friday, October 25th at one of our favourite places: Huckletree East in Shoreditch.
How to manage my money as a freelancer? Yes it’s a challenge, but we will look at all the practicalities, including strategies around organising and automating your finances for the short to long-term as well as the best ways to set your rates and get paid on time.
Our kick-ass panel of women discussed how to manage money for freelancers, followed by a Q&A and then breakfast. Please meet them!
From left to right: Sapphire, Anna, Emilie and Abiola.
Abiola Ola is the founder of award-winning blog the Active Budgeter. Currently working within Professional Services and with previous experience working for Google and London Business School, Abiola’s mission is to help under 35s to save & build wealth. Find Abiola on Instagram @activebudgeter and Twitter @activebudgeter.
Anna Codrea-Rado is passionate about making the lives of freelance journalists richer with her platform fjandco #FairPayForFreelancers. Freelance journalist who has written for top international titles, Anna writes about culture and technology and where the two intersect. Find Anna on Instagram @annacod and Twitter @annacod.
Sapphire Bates is changing the way the next generation of women gets into business. Founder of The Coven, the awesome worldwide membership platform for female founders, she also founded a floristry business, The Flower Arranger. Find Sapphire on Instagram @sapphirejbates @thecovengirlgang and Twitter @sapphirejbates
Moderated by Emilie Bellet, founder of Vestpod and author of You’Re Not Broke, You’re Pre-Rich.
This discussion was be a positive discussion about women and money; we talked about:
How can I prepare a financial plan to help me make the transition from full-time employee to freelancer?
How to organise my finances and prepare a budget?
Practical tips on how to save
Think about the long term: do I need a pension and how to get started?
What are my challengers as a freelancers? Taxes? Bookkeeping?
Negotiate my rates. Getting paid on time.
How to build extra streams of income / start side-hustles?
What are the apps and key resources?

Photos and video by Anand Singh.
Watch the replay below on Youtube!
You can follow us on Eventbrite to make sure you don’t miss out on next event.
Thank you all for coming!