Articles, Podcast Veronica Morozova Articles, Podcast Veronica Morozova

Should I Invest in IPOs?

💸An Initial Public Offering – also known as IPO, is the first sale of stock (shares) in a company to the public. But is this something you should invest in, and how do you know if an IPO is worth your money?

On today’s Hotline episode, I’ll outline what exactly IPOs are, the technicalities involved and whether you should leap into investing in one (or perhaps sit it out).

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Articles Vestpod Articles Vestpod

Your Essential Economic & Stock Market Update (2023 Outlook)

📈Market updates are usually laden with jargon and reserved for the institutional or expert investors. But not this one! That’s why we have prepared a no-nonsense, easy to understand quarterly economic and market update with Axelle Pinon, portfolio adviser and member of the investment committee at Carmignac, and Emilie Bellet, Founder of Vestpod.

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Articles Veronica Morozova Articles Veronica Morozova

Financial Advisers- Do You Need One, And How do You Choose One?

If you’re looking to make the most of your money then spending time with a financial adviser could be right for you. It could be that you’re considering buying a financial product. You might be looking for ways to manage your money more effectively. It may be that you want to put plans in place for the long term. In all these cases, a financial adviser can assist.

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Articles Veronica Morozova Articles Veronica Morozova

How to Successfully De-Clutter and Sell Your Unused Stuff Online

When you stop to take a serious look around your home, you may find yourself shocked by just how much stuff you own! Most of us know that we need to make the time to have a serious declutter but finding the motivation to do this can be a little on the hard side. If you’re searching for something to get you motivated and to start a process of lifestyle simplification, it’s worth bearing in mind that your clutter can be used as a great way to make extra money.

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Articles, Podcast Vestpod Articles, Podcast Vestpod

How Do We Get Paid What We’re Worth? With Insaff El Hassini

Have you ever struggled to know your worth? Does the idea of negotiating your rates or salary fill you with dread? What can we do, in practice, to help build our confidence to ask for more?

These are some of the questions we discussed with Insaff El Hassini, an expert and a coach on salary negotiation, a career and business mentor, and a fierce advocate for women’s economic and financial rights. Having traveled the world to teach over 5,000 women how to defend their fair value on the job market, she is the perfect expert for this subject.

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Articles, Podcast Veronica Morozova Articles, Podcast Veronica Morozova

8 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2023

💸At the start of a new year, it’s tempting to dive into making a list of resolutions – only to quickly get overwhelmed. Today, I’d like to talk you through some things you can do to boost your financial health in 2023, while keeping your head cool and not falling prey to exhaustion.

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Articles, Podcast Vestpod Articles, Podcast Vestpod

How To Get Started Investing? With Kalpana Fitzpatrick

💸How can you boost your finances with investing and make your money work for you? What are meme stocks? How do you pick an investment platform?

These are some of the questions we discussed with Kalpana Fitzpatrick, a financial journalist and author of Invest Now: The Simple Guide to Boosting Your Finances, released in December 2022.

Inflation is still high, with cost of living having increased drastically and there is a lot of uncertainty. But investing is key for the long term. And so is financial resilience. If you’re looking to start investing or consolidating your knowledge, this episode will help you get started!

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Articles Veronica Morozova Articles Veronica Morozova

Clueless How Much You'll Have in Retirement? Here's a Guide to Help You Out

It may seem that retirement is a lifetime away, but the reality is that it’s never too early to start saving so that you can ensure that you have the retirement that you deserve. If you’ve ever read a pension guide before, you’ll already know that it’s difficult to say exactly how much everyone needs to save as we all have unique circumstances.

That being said, it’s well worth taking the time to experiment with a pension calculator so that you can get a better idea of what you’ll need to do. Before you do that, here are some factors that you’ll need to consider..

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Articles, Podcast Vestpod Articles, Podcast Vestpod

Should You Pay Down the Mortgage or Invest? with Moira O'Neill

💸This year has definitely not been the easiest financially. It’s been especially tricky for anyone with a mortgage or considering buying a home - with higher interest rates and inflation, making a decision on what the best options are for your money is difficult to say the least. 

We decided to speak to independent freelance investment journalist Moira O'Neill to get her opinion on whether it makes more sense to pay down your mortgage or invest in the stock market, the best ways of reviewing your existing mortgage, how to prevent inflation from eroding your savings, and more

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Articles, Podcast Vestpod Articles, Podcast Vestpod

What is Web3? With Marieke Flament

💸Blockchain technology, crypto and Web3 - you may have come across these terms, but what exactly do they mean, and how will they affect our lives? What is the technology all about and why have there been so many controversies surrounding crypto?

Please note an important point: cryptocurrency exchange FTX, at one stage the second largest company of its type in the world, filed for bankruptcy in November leaving many users unable to withdraw their funds. Its CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried, has since been arrested and charged with fraud. We recorded this episode prior to his arrest.

Regardless of the controversies, we thought it would still be valuable to understand the tech behind Web3, which is why today, I speak to Marieke Flament. Marieke is a French-born computer engineer and CEO of the NEAR Foundation, a Swiss-based non-profit that oversees the governance and development of its namesake blockchain.

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Articles Veronica Morozova Articles Veronica Morozova

10 Ways to Have a Frugal Christmas - Without Compromising on the Good Bits

Christmas may well be the most wonderful time of the year but it’s also got to be the most expensive. With the cost of living only heading one way, there are plenty of people looking for a cheaper Christmas this time around.

Even those who are used to going all out at this time of the year are exploring ways to cut back where they can. The problem though is that people worry that a frugal Christmas means a second-rate one. We’re here to show you that’s not the case. Here are 10 ways where you can have a fantastic Christmas without the cost of living spoiling your fun.

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Articles, Podcast Veronica Morozova Articles, Podcast Veronica Morozova

How Do You Stay Financially Sane This Festive Season?

💸According to the Bank of England (2020), "a typical UK household spends over £700 more in December compared to other months".⁠ Considering that this year is financially tough on so many families, the pressure to spend money on countless presents, Christmas decorations and mountains of festive food can feel especially difficult.

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Articles Veronica Morozova Articles Veronica Morozova

How to Make Extra Cash Without Taking a Second Job

We live in a day and age whereby everyone posts their amazing, glamorous lives on social media, and we can start to feel like our lives pale in comparison. Of course, people exaggerate and portray themselves in the best possible light. However, it can still make us feel like we’re missing out.

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